“When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him home and explained to him God’s new way in greater detail.” —Acts 18:26

Apollos was “a man of eloquence,” “an authority on Scripture,” “instructed in the new way of the Lord,” “full of spiritual fervor,” and both accurate and fearless in his speech and teaching (Acts 18:24-26). This man had a lot going for him. Yet when Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos speak, they knew he had everything but what he needed most. Apollos knew about Jesus but didn’t know Jesus. He only knew of John’s baptism of repentance. He had not received a new nature or life in the Spirit by being baptized into Jesus and filled with the Spirit.

Many people today, even those baptized, are like Apollos. They have everything going for them but what they need most. They have sinned, stifled the Spirit, and are no longer living out their Baptisms. In this condition, it’s impossible for them to please God, no matter how hard they try or how talented they are (see Rm 8:8). They should stop everything, repent, renew their commitment to Jesus, and receive the Spirit (Acts 2:38). Then they will receive power from on high (Acts 1:8). Only then can they go make disciples of all nations and build God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, on this second day of the Pentecost novena, may I resolve to never try to go on without You.

Promise:  “Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.” —Jn 16:24

Praise:  Did you know St. Isidore the Farmer is the patron of Catholic Rural Life (CRL)? CRL is a Catholic organization dedicated to the vitality of the American countryside.

The two lives.

St Augustine’s homilies on St John’s gospel

There are two ways of life that God has commended to the Church. One is through faith, the other is through vision. One is in pilgrimage through a foreign land, the other is in our eternal home; one in labour, the other in repose; one in a journey to our homeland, the other in that land itself; one in action, the other in the fruits of contemplation.  The first life, the life of action, is personified by the Apostle Peter; the contemplative life, by John. The first life is passed here on earth until the end of time, when it reaches its completion; the second is not fulfilled until the end of the world, but in the world to come it lasts for ever. For this reason Peter is told “Follow me”, but Jesus adds, “If I want John to stay behind till I come, what does it matter to you? You are to follow me”.  You are to follow me by imitating me in the enduring suffering; he is to remain till I come to restore the blessings that last for ever. To put it more clearly: let action, which is complete in itself, follow me and follow the example of my passion; but let contemplation, which has only begun, remain until I come, wait until the moment of its completion.  It is the fullness of patience to follow Christ loyally even to death; the fullness of knowledge lies in wait until Christ comes again, when it will be revealed and made manifest. The ills of this world are endured in the land of the dying; the good gifts of God will be revealed in the land of the living.  We should not understand “I want him to stay behind until I come” as meaning to remain permanently but rather to wait: what is signified by John will not be fulfilled now, but it will be fulfilled, when Christ comes. On the other hand, what is signified by Peter, to whom Jesus says “follow me”, must be realised now or it will never be fulfilled.  But we should not separate these great apostles. They were both part of the present life symbolized by Peter and they were both part of the future life symbolized by John. Considered as symbols, Peter followed Christ and John remained; but in their living faith both endured the evils of the present life and both looked forward to the future blessings of the coming life of joy.  It is not they alone that do this but the whole of the holy Church, the bride of Christ, who needs to be rescued from the trials of the present and to be brought to safety in the joys of the future. Individually, Peter and John represent these two lives, the present and the future; but both journeyed in faith through this temporal life and both will enjoy the second life by vision, eternally.  All the faithful form an integral part of the body of Christ, and therefore, so that they may be steered through the perilous seas of this present life, Peter, first among the Apostles, has received the keys of the kingdom of heaven, to bind and loose from sin. And also for the sake of the faithful, so that they may keep the still and secret heart of his mode of life, John the evangelist rested on Christ’s breast.  It is not Peter alone who binds and looses sins, but the whole Church. It is not John alone who has drunk at the fountain of the Lord’s breast and pours forth what he had drunk in his teaching of the Word being God in the beginning, God with God, of the Trinity and Unity of God — of all those things which we shall see face to face in his kingdom but now, before the Lord comes, we see only in images and reflections — not John alone, for the Lord himself spreads John’s gospel throughout the world, giving everyone to drink as much as he is capable of absorbing.