“Jesus took him off by himself away from the crowd.” —Mark 7:33

Jesus sometimes healed people impersonally. For instance, sometimes He may have healed hundreds at one time. When Jesus healed a woman who was hemorrhaging for twelve years, He didn’t even know she was healed until after the fact (Mk 5:30). However, Jesus’ healing of the deaf man with a speech impediment was one of His most personal healings. Jesus took this man “off by himself away from the crowd” (Mk 7:33). He gave him One-on-one attention. Jesus “put His fingers into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue” (Mk 7:33).
Do you need Jesus’ very personal touch for healing? If so, step out of the crowded conditions of your life. Lock yourself in a prayer closet with Jesus (see Mt 6:6). Have a heart-to-heart talk with Jesus. Meet Jesus in solitude and silence. Intimately receive the body and blood of Jesus into your body at Mass (see Jn 6:56).
People may laugh at you and call you stupid or ugly, but Jesus treasures you. You are beautiful in Him and to Him. Come away to be alone with Jesus. He loves you so much He died for you. Be alone with Jesus; be alone with Love Himself (see 1 Jn 4:16).

Prayer: Father, open me and free me so that I will speak freely and plainly of Your love (see Mk 7:34-35).
Promise: “If only My people would hear Me, and Israel walk in My ways, quickly would I humble their enemies.”—Ps 81:14-15
Praise: St. Methodius endured great opposition during his mission to Moravia. He was imprisoned for several years but nonetheless translated the entire Bible into Slavonic before he died.

Build up your church and gather all into unity

From an Old Slavonic Life of Constantine

Afterward he remained dressed in the vestments that were to be venerated later, and rejoiced for an entire day, saying: “From now on, I am not the servant of the emperor or of any man on earth, but of almighty God alone. Before, I was dead, now I am alive and I shall live for ever. Amen.”Constantine, already burdened by many hardships, became ill. At one point during his extended illness, he experienced a vision of God and began to sing this verse: “My spirit rejoiced and my heart exulted because they told me we shall go into the house of the Lord.”
The following day, he assumed the monastic habit and took the religious name Cyril. He lived the life of a monk for fifty days.
When the time came for him to set out from this world to the peace of his heavenly homeland, he prayed to God with his hands outstretched and his eyes filled with tears: “O Lord, my God, you have created the choirs of angels and spiritual powers; you have stretched forth the heavens and established the earth, creating all that exists from nothing. You hear those who obey your will and keep your commands in holy fear. Hear my prayer and protect your faithful people, for you have established me as their unsuitable and unworthy servant.
“Keep them free from harm and the worldly cunning of those who blaspheme you. Build up your Church and gather all into unity. Make your people known for the unity and profession of their faith. Inspire the hearts of your people with your word and your teaching. You called us to preach the Gospel of your Christ and to encourage them to lives and works pleasing to you.
“I now return to you, your people, your gift to me. Direct them with your powerful right hand, and protect them under the shadow of your wings. May all praise and glorify your name, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Once he had exchanged the gift of peace with everyone, he said: “Blessed be God, who did not hand us over to our invisible enemy, but freed us from his snare and delivered us from perdition.” He then fell asleep in the Lord at the age of forty-two.
The Patriarch commanded all those in Rome, both the Greeks and Romans, to gather for his funeral. They were to chant over him together and carry candles; they were to celebrate his funeral as if he had been a pope. This they did.

Christ, the model of brotherly love

From the Mirror of Love
by Saint Aelred, abbot
[ 1110 – 1167 A.D. ]

The perfection of brotherly love lies in the love of one’s enemies. We can find no greater inspiration for this than grateful remembrance of the wonderful patience of Christ. He who is more fair than all the sons of men offered his fair face to be spat upon by sinful men; he allowed those eyes that rule the universe to be blindfolded by wicked men; he bared his back to the scourges; he submitted that head which strikes terror in principalities and powers to the sharpness of the thorns; he gave himself up to be mocked and reviled, and at the end endured the cross, the nails, the lance, the gall, the vinegar, remaining always gentle, meek and full of peace.
In short, he was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb before the shearers he kept silent, and did not open his mouth.
Who could listen to that wonderful prayer, so full of warmth, of love, of unshakeable serenity – Father, forgive them – and hesitate to embrace his enemies with overflowing love? Father, he says, forgive them. Is any gentleness, any love, lacking in this prayer?
Yet he put into it something more. It was not enough to pray for them: he wanted also to make excuses for them. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. They are great sinners, yes, but they have little judgement; therefore, Father, forgive them. They are nailing me to the cross, but they do not know who it is that they are nailing to the cross: if they had known, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory; therefore, Father, forgive them. They think it is a lawbreaker, an impostor claiming to be God, a seducer of the people. I have hidden my face from them, and they do not recognise my glory; therefore, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
If someone wishes to love himself he must not allow himself to be corrupted by indulging his sinful nature. If he wishes to resist the promptings of his sinful nature he must enlarge the whole horizon of his love to contemplate the loving gentleness of the humanity of the Lord. Further, if he wishes to savour the joy of brotherly love with greater perfection and delight, he must extend even to his enemies the embrace of true love.
But if he wishes to prevent this fire of divine love from growing cold because of injuries received, let him keep the eyes of his soul always fixed on the serene patience of his beloved Lord and Saviour.